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See How Your Marketing Team Stacks Up

Answer the questions below and get your score immediately.


We consistently review accurate marketing data to make decisions.

1 = What marketing data?

5 = Attribution is accurately tracked in all networks, tools and software, and is reviewed consistently to generate actionable insights.


Our brand is clearly differentiated from the competition in our consumers eyes.

1 = We are no different than our competitors

5 = We have clear, differentiated brand elements, that we can legally defend we are the only ones that can provide them.


We leverage sales automations to assist in nurturing prospects to conversion.

1 = We have no SMS, Email or Text Automations in place.

5 = We have a variety, of clearly organized, trigger based automations that nurture my prospects to the next stage in the sales process.


Our CRM/Ecommerce Software is the accurate, single source of truth in the company.

1 = What CRM?

5 = All campaign attribution data resides on a per lead/customer basis in our software, our contact fields are organized and not duplicative, and we pull insights from this data to make business decisions.


All team member's tasks & deliverables are clearly aligned on the same marketing strategy.

1 = Everyone is doing their own thing and there is not a clear directive on the customer journey, content, creative or campaign strategy.

5 = All team members are collaboratively rowing in the same direction, and there is a clear goal, with defined KPIs, Rocks and initiatives for the team.


We have a clear organizational structure in our marketing department with the right people in the right seats?

1 = I do not know how our team should be structured for success.

5 = There is an organization chart, with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for each team member, and all team members are exceeding our expectations.


I know how much all aspects of running a healthy marketing operation for my business should cost

1 = I'm not sure how much to budget on staff, ad spend, 3rd party resources, etc.

5 = I have a clear understanding of the costs of hiring quality team members, and know what my test and campaign budgets should be, along with a clearly defined ROAS for campaigns and the department as a whole.


We create and optimize plans of action for all marketing channels based on research and data.

1 = Research is not a part of our process, and we do not create plans of action prior to implementing campaigns.

5 = All decisions made in our department are based on data and research, and our initiatives are pre-planned and organized prior to implementation.


We regularly obtain feedback from our prospects and clients to optimize our marketing and sales process.

1 = We have never asked a lead or customer for feedback based on how they interacted with our site / funnel / brand

5 = We regularly conduct win/loss interviews, as well as survey prospects to identify areas of improvement in our funnel, along with pain points the customer has.


Our marketing and sales funnel is easy for customers to understand and follow.

1 = I can't even find out where to convert

5 = My grandmother or a 5 year old could quickly tell me what I am offering them, and what I want them to do on my site.


We speak to our customers based on the stage they are in, in the buyers journey.

1 = What does TOF/MOF/BOF mean?

5 = We have offers, campaigns and nurture sequences that speak to customers in the research, consideration and buying phases of our sales process.


Our offer convinces cold traffic to engage with our funnel.

1 = Only people who already know we exist and are trustworthy would convert.

5 = We are convincing people who have never heard of us before, to immediately take the next step in our sales / marketing process.


The end consumer is clear on the action we would like them to take, and what they will receive when doing so.

1 = Customers do not know what we want them to do next, or if they do, they do not understand why they should (ie - "Book a Call" - do they know what they get out of booking the call aside from being sold?)

5 = Customers can identify what action to take, and why, within 5 seconds of hitting our landing page.


We quickly build trust with cold traffic.

1 = There is no obvious or compelling reason for someone to trust we will solve their problems, or provide value without speaking to us directly.

5 = Visitors to our site immediately understand why they can trust us, and believe we can deliver on the promise our offer/campaign/brand presents.


We clearly present how our product/service solves our customers problems.

1 = We have not identified what problems our customers are facing.

5 = We quickly and clearly convince customers that our product/service is the right choice to resolve pain-points they may have.


We consistently look for conversion rate optimization opportunities in all areas of our funnel and website.

1 = We have never thought of ways to get more conversions from our existing traffic.

5 = We consistently split test creative, copy and offer strategies to get the most quality conversions possible from all traffic channels.


I have retained the same internal/external team or agency for the last 5 years.

1 = We're on our 5th agency, and constantly rotate team members to find someone who can solve our problems.

5 = Our team is aligned on our vision, and has a system to consistently meet our objectives.


Quarterly strategic marketing initiatives (rocks) are defined, and team members are consistently executing deliverables towards them.

1 = We do not have specific rocks or initiatives that we work towards.

5 = Our rocks are defined based on desired objectives and outcomes, and we project manage our team towards completion of them consistently.


Our internal/external marketing teams performance is satisfactory.

1 = We have never seen a positive ROI in our marketing efforts, and do not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

5 = Our teams are consistently exceeding our target KPIs.


I am getting a positive ROI on my marketing and sales investment and am happy with the results.

1 = I have only invested thus far, and not seen a "spend $1, make $2" scenario yet.

5 = Even when factoring in agency fees, staff costs, ad spend and COGS, we see a positive return on our marketing efforts.


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